Wavenet Education

DfE Digital and Technology Standards

Align with DfE’s guidance for a safe, innovative learning environment.

Our Frameworks & certifications

Empower education with Wavenet’s DfE aligned solutions

In January 2024, the Department for Education (DfE) updated their guidance on digital and technology standards for schools and colleges. These guidelines specify the minimum requirements to consider when renewing and upgrading digital infrastructure. By enabling education providers to make informed decisions about their technology, they can provide safer, more cost-efficient practices, alongside new and improved learning opportunities for students.

As a leading education technology specialist, with over 30 years’ experience, Wavenet are committed to providing schools and colleges with simple to use, easy to implement, budget-friendly, award winning products and services that meet the DfE’s published guidance. Having already helped over 4,000 schools across the UK meet these standards, Wavenet are well equipped in implementing the digital infrastructure and technology required.

Find out how we can assist you in leveraging technology to both meet the DfE digital standards, as well as drive positive learning outcomes for your students. Contact us today on 0333 234 0011 or use the form opposite:

Find out how we can help streamline every aspect of your ICT environment


How Wavenet can help your school or college meet DfE’s digital and technology standards

Wavenet specialists have experience in every field - including cloud, communications, network software, security, safeguarding and more. We can assess your current provisions, advise you on what actions to take to comply with each standard, and implement our suggested provisions to fulfill each requirement. With our ability to tailor solutions to your unique IT environment, we can help your school or college leverage technology to meet the DfE standards and deliver the best possible learning experience to your students.

DfE aligned solutions

The DfE have set out the following digital and technology standards that your school or college needs to meet.

Contact us today to find out how we can assist you in leveraging technology to both meet the DfE digital standards, as well as drive positive learning outcomes for your students.

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