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Securing Your Buildings 

The Ivy, Liverpool Street - Invitation Only

21st March - 6:30pm - 10:30pm

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Keep flexible workspaces one step ahead of cyber-crime


Join us for an informal evening of luxury at The Ivy in Liverpool Street, co-hosted with Flexible Space Association. 


This invite-only event brings together key figures from a range of flexible workspace operators, with a shared interest in taking an informed, proactive approach to cyber security and cyber threats within the industry. We will discuss the potential threats of cyber security vulnerabilities within flexible workspace businesses, illustrated with real-time case studies and experiences. 


Why Attend?


Breaches Happen, Are you Ready for the Impact?


- In 2023, there was reported to have been 2.39 million cyber-crimes in the UK.

- 49,000 of these incidents resulted in cases of fraud.

- The average cost of these cyber-attacks was £20,900, per attack.

- 45% of businesses reported having 3 or more cyber-attacks in the last 12 months. 

With 26,447 new vulnerabilities in 2023 alone, it is important to know what to look for to defend against the threats of 2024! 

2023 saw substantial growth in cyber attacks, of all types, across the globe. Taking a proactive approach to security measures and processes will edge your business ahead of the growing threat landscape.

Join Wavenet Connected and FlexSA in London for what is sure to be an exclusive night of informed discussion and networking. We look forward to seeing you there.



Speakers and Hosts 

Paul Colwell headshot
Paul Colwell Chief Technical Officer, Wavenet Group
Michael Clark Sales Director, Wavenet Connected
Jane Sartin Executive Director, Flexible Space Association
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Andrea Kolokasi Chair of the Board, FlexSA

Event Details

Date: 21st March 2024

Time: 6:30pm - 10:30pm

Location: The Ivy, Liverpool Street

Parking: No on-site parking

Limited Space Available

Please note that space for this exclusive event is limited, so be sure to sign up early to secure your spot.


Dashwood House,

69 Old Broad St,





Register now 

Thursday 21st of March - The Ivy, Liverpool Street

To attend please complete the registration form using the button provided

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