The Challenges of Digital Transformation (And How to Overcome Them)

28/10/19 Wavenet
The Challenges of Digital Transformation (And How to Overcome Them) placeholder thumbnail

Creating a truly smart government is achievable through the digitisation of services. Making this the first phase of your digital transformation journey will allow you to unlock data insights and deliver services with your citizens at the heart.


Investing in future-proof infrastructure is a key consideration for data-driven governments. In recent research undertaken by Pure Storage, in association with Insight Avenue, central government  IT department leaders cited the following factors as the major hindrances to digital transformation and how Pure Storage can help you overcome them.


1. Silos


Data that sits in traditional silos creates issues when trying to execute views of certain data sets e.g. a single view of the citizen. Without the ability to call up this singular view it will never be possible to deliver a truly personalised set of services.


If data silos remain , decisions around government services will remain in a top-down approach rather than focussing on providing citizens with bespoke services.


Undertaking a data audit to assess what kind of data your organisation is currently storing and analysing versus the kind it will need to generate and collect in the future. This will allow you to assess the future needs of your data infrastructure and to make your data shareable.


Pure Storage eradicates silos by creating a data hub. This modern, data-centric architecture for storage powers AI and data analytics enabling organisations to consolidate and share data.


2. Performance


With the uptake in IoT, if data isn't available and performing as optimally as possible, applications and technologies that require constant access to it will be unable to operate efficiently. What's more, if your current plan consists of traditional data recovery, failover times and capacity may be inadequate.


Poor data performance and availability will result in a poor return on investment for any data-driven processes. It may also limit the transformational capability of services for citizens.


Planning for the future will enable your department to implement advanced analytics and AI that drives digital transformation. As well as planning your data storage needs it's also important to consider if your disaster-recovery is up to par to cope with the increase in data.


Pure Storage understands the challenges government departments face with big data and the need for scalability. All-flash solutions can speed up development time whilst delivering high-speed feedback.


3. Capacity


As the volume and variety of data continue to grow, finding ways to manage storage capacity is becoming a huge priority for IT leaders. It's no longer just about storing data but structuring it in a way that is easy for compliance and security purposes.


Poor capacity management can have a huge impact on operations, from downtime to service assurance. Sub-optimal levels of performance crate poor user experiences for data users and citizens accessing any digital services.


Today planning for storage capacity must be continuous and proactive. The ability to scale is essential.


Pure1 management software ensures that capacity is always truly optimised. With fully scalable solutions from Wavenet and Pure storage, this helps you mitigate the risk of purchasing too much or too little storage, adding and removing capacity as required.


4. Cloud


As governments and organisations continue to digitise their services, IT leaders are looking to take greater advantage of the cost efficiencies, scalability and flexibility of cloud.


On-prem and public cloud are two very different things. With on-prem you enjoy highly reliable storage arrays with enterprise data services and thin provisioning. Public cloud delivers basic services, lower availability but with high durability and simple scalability, with a pay-for-what-you-use cost model.


Adopting a hybrid cloud approach is always a sensible way forward. Take time to evaluate your current storage architecture with a view of it delivering fast, shared data so that you can build applications once and run them from anywhere.


Pure Storage Cloud Block Store delivers reliability, scalability and efficiency for public cloud workloads. As well as enabling data portability and application mobility across your on-prem and public cloud environments.



What Next?


Addressing the challenges and putting in place future-proofed storage will create a resilient and flexible foundation for the next stage of digital transformation. Incorporating the efficiencies that Pure Storage technology provides means you use less storage to deliver greater performance.

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Your business should have the very best in IT services in order to excel.


Wavenet's portfolio of Technology Solutions, from leading suppliers, can help make your business brilliant. From Data-centric storage solutions to Seamless Cloud Connect Wavenet has the services for your business to realise it's full potential.


Our services are solutions led, based on your business needs and are designed to maximise productivity by adopting the most appropriate technology, all whilst backed by Wavenet's dedicated support team who will provide guidance whenever you need it.


Technology Services, Storage Solutions, Articles, Pure Storage, Public Sector

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