Case Study: Norwich Historic Churches Trust

01/09/21 Wavenet
Case Study: Norwich Historic Churches Trust placeholder thumbnail

About Norwich Historic Churches Trust


Since 1973 the Norwich Historic Churches Trust has been responsible for managing 18 of the city’s medieval churches that are no longer used for religious worship.


Norwich Historic Churches Trust is a small heritage charity in Norwich. Its objectives are to care for 18 redundant, medieval churches in the city which are now used for a variety of new uses from arts venues, theatres, retail spaces and places of work. It operates from St Martin at Palace which is also a visitor centre for those wishing to learn about historic churches in Norwich and a base for its volunteers.



The Challenge


When Norwich Historic Churches Trust incumbent Samsung system failed it left them with no means of communication. With 17 tenanted churches to look after, as well as working with volunteers and trustees, it was vital that NHCT is contactable and a solution needed to be found quickly.

The failure of the system also lead the Trust to reflect on its limitations and a decision was made that should a new solution be the best course of action, then a more flexible and modernised system was needed.


As a registered charity, cost is always a consideration for the Trust and it was essential that any new system would not cause operating costs to spiral.


The Solution


When time was of the essence Wavenet pulled out all the stops to provide a new solution in just 24 hours.

Listening to the Trusts requirements, Wildix was chosen as the solution to meet their needs. Providing the Trust with a secure and flexible communication platform that could be rapidly deployed with minimal disruption.

Wildix is a cloud browser-based unified communications platform that is entirely secure by design with no VPNs or external SBCs required. Initially, the system was set up with handsets for all users but with the flexibility to add softphone home users and a mobile application at a later date.


This provides the Trust with a flexible solution with remote working capabilities that was just not possible with their previous system.



The Results


Through our work together, Norwich Historic Churches Trust has been able to take advantage of the following results:


Reliability: The solution has provided a reliable robust solution for the trust, with the ability to easily make and receive calls from wherever they are working.


Usability: Wildix provides a simple, user-friendly solution that the whole team will find easy to use. 


Cost Saving: Wildix provides a fully scalable solution without the need for expensive onsite equipment or costly engineer visits.

Time-Saving: With no complicated maintenance and simple management, Wildix provides time-saving for both the trust in terms of managing the system but also for end-users as all communications are kept in one system.



I was really impressed by the speed in which Wavenet was able to get us back up and running. They listened to our requirements, answered all our questions and were even able to offer a saving by upgrading the system. Thanks very much for your help! - Rachel Kidd, Operations Manager, Norwich Historic Churches Trust


Case Studies, Unified Communications & Voice, Charity, wildix

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