Sustainability Statement

Green fields


At Wavenet we recognise that we are accountable to more than just ourselves. As a large business with a significant workforce and offices nationwide, we are working hard to incorporate considerations around sustainability into every business process, reducing our impact on the world around us.  

Wavenet has attained the Ecovadis Gold certification covering policies, processes and results around the environment, business ethics, human rights and sustainable procurement. We are constantly working towards improvements in these areas and are proud to have been awarded Ecovadis Gold for 2 years running in 2023 and 2024.

Products at Wavenet 

Wavenet’s product roadmap is driven by sustainable innovation. Our product set is geared towards affording our customers the very best opportunity to choose sustainable technology, whether it be a hosted voice system with no requirement for onsite hardware, or a cloud computing solution with a minimal energy draw. Ask us how we can help you choose the best technology for your business, improve efficiency, and reduce your energy consumption and costs. 

Wavenet has processes in place to ensure sustainability throughout the product lifecycle. To provide assurance on sustainable product sourcing, our supply chain is vetted with ongoing monitoring and reviews on human rights risks such as modern slavery and child labour, and ethical concerns such as corruption and bribery. Furthermore, at the end of a product’s life we will take back like-for-like legacy equipment when replacing solutions, ensuring that they are recycled in accordance with UK legislation and minimising waste sent to landfill. Upon request Wavenet will provide measurement of the carbon emissions attributable to a customer contract. This measurement is calculated using spend data for the most recent financial year where carbon emissions data is available, and can be requested by customers through their account manager.

People and Processes at Wavenet 

Wavenet has completed a formal Carbon Reduction Plan to measure and reduce the environmental impact of our processes across the business, with an annual inventory taken to measure the success of improvements to efficiency. The results of the plan indicate that our large workforce has a significant impact on our carbon footprint, and with this in mind we have developed initiatives focused on reducing the consumption of natural resources by people. Despite continued reductions in business mileage as a result of the Covid pandemic, our workforce still needs to travel. Wavenet’s fleet is gradually being replaced with hybrid and electric vehicles, and we have an electric car scheme available to employees. We also promote our Cycle to Work scheme for employees wishing to commute by bicycle. 

Our workforce is involved in all aspects of planning and implementation of sustainability programs at Wavenet. We have sustainability champions across the business helping to promote our eco-friendly initiatives, covering everything from recycling at office spaces to lifestyle changes at home to reduce impact on the environment.